Thursday, July 24, 2008

Do you PLANK?

I started a few sessions with a personal trainer at the gym. I felt like I had reached a plateau, was kind of bored and didn't feel like I was getting any fitter. I know my bikini days are long over but I still would like to see a little more overall "definition".

Enter young, hot, spunky trainer/nutritionist girl. Yep, nothing like making your 40-something body feel like it's rusted forever!

I love her - she has made me feel better in two weeks than a year of gym going has done. I also hate her. She makes me do this. Again and again and again.....Who knew? Try it, it seems to be working.


huddtoo said...

WOW! Maybe I'll try one. Yeah...ONE. LOL I'm such a weakling in my arms. I need a trainer too. They'd whoop me into shape. But, I just do what I can on my own. Crap...that's my problem I'm sure!!

Good for you! I commented below. Love that you get up early and take the time for you. It's good, I promise. I do feel really good about myself that I go to the gym and keep (semi) fit.


Angela DeRossett said...

OW!!! You are a better woman than me...those things scare me!

amers said...

since PLANK was the name of the former boss i will pass for now. however it looks very intense and kudos for you for keeping up with it! i agree with the others about making time - it makes a whirlwind of difference. i too will be an early bird starting next week. i love that your posting again!

Hawaiianatheart said...

Kuddos to you! That looks like more than I could do but I may give it a try. Don't hold your breath though. ; ) I'm a night time girl, so I get my *me* time then. Doesn't work as well for the yoga but it's the only time I can get.