Saturday, July 26, 2008

Yes, I am seeking balance. Whatever that means. I am often asked the proverbial "how do you do it" question as I run from pre-school committees to business meeting to baseball game? To be honest, I don't really know. As in, I don't really know. Not in a , "oh, I'm so amazing kind of way". I am not sure that I have a system of answers - as Nike says, I "just do it". I can't imagine not being busy and running around. Might have to work on that...

I did recently read the bestselling 4-Hour Work Week. I didn't honestly think I could end up working only 4 hours a week, but I was intrigued with what lessons I might be able to take away. So much of it really is common sense. I am using some of the tips now to find more time in my week to be a better mom. Gosh, I wish I thought to write this book and make a gazillion dollars but I digress....

So, I'll post of few of my recent take-aways from the book over the next few days. Maybe they will help you also. I would also love to hear what tips you might have for reaching your balance point - juggling life as a mother.

1. Outsource everything you don't have to be doing: Keep in mind that I realize that many of these tips are luxuries and have a monetary cost associated with them. For me, I have realized that what I gain back in "time" that I can spend with my family is worth it's weight in gold. This is not an option for everyone and it is costly to outsource, but I have learned to outsource some of my activities. Just so happens that I despise grocery shopping. I hate it. Not sure why, but it just not on my list of faves. So, I shop online for groceries and much to my amazement, I save more money this way. I can shop with my list when I am focused and only buy what I actually need. I can use coupons and there are weekly sales - just like the bricks and mortar store. I set up a recurring delivery time and set aside a set time each week for ordering. It also helps to have someone else carrying in the large or heavy items. I still stop in for a weekly run for milk or fresh produce, but 80-90% of my groceries come to me. I even find time to clip coupons via online sites such as this one.

For work, I use a virtual assistant for projects that would be more efficiently done by a professional (rather than struggling to create forms or populate databases). I have found some of the best folks here.

I have at times outsourced housecleaning, dry cleaning delivery and do the majority of my shopping online - for books, presents, clothing. Try this next time you are looking for a unique gift or thank you present. We use this for our movie rentals and this saves me time (and gas) for purchasing postage and mailing right from my doorstep. We even have our wine delivered and can research and pick and chose bottles.

My goal in outsourcing is to gain time with my family. None of these tips are rocket science, but they did require a change in mindset. What outsourcing shortcuts have you found that make your life easier?


amers said...

i always learn so much from you. thank you for sharing these...i will certainly keep it all in mind...

happy weekend...

huddtoo said...

Funny, I was thinking just yesterday about some of these types of things. I hate spending so much time on the weekend cleaning the house and doing laundry. I would LOVE to just hire someone to clean the house and have that extra time to spend with my family. Because, after all, I cannot get this special time back from when my kids are little. That makes me a little nervous about having a stranger in my home cleaning though.

Great links, thanks for sharing. And while I would LOVE a 4-hour "work" week, I highly doubt I could ever get there. Maybe when I retire. LOL But, I know, I do understand the concept. I look forward to some more of your posts.

Are you still working on lists? I made one yesterday because I knew I had a lot to do and making a list helps me stay focused and get it done. You do have a sense of accomplishment if you can cross things off. Although, my #1 was not "make list"...forgot that one. hehe