Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I am Woman!

I have a vivid memory of those first months with my newborn twins. We were living in an apartment and I hadn’t showered in about 3 or 4 days. There were two other new moms in the building across the courtyard and each day they would strap their newborns into the “single” snap and go – and walk into town for Starbucks. I knew this because they would pass by my window and I would imagine all the wonderful bonding moments they were creating with each other – over a hot, steamy latte no less. I, on the other hand, had two infants - and the constant juggle of nursing and pumping and rocking and soothing – left little time for anything except the next feeding. I did not know these women and did not really find an opportunity to meet them – but I was so envious of them during those months.

I remember this so well not because it was hard to have twins or because I was so sleep deprived. I remember it because I felt so very isolated during this time. It was not quite the “stay at home” that I imagined. I didn’t know any other women in my unique “twin” situation. I could not easily get out of the house. There were no “double” snap and gos in those days – and I could not easily manage the two infant carriers or the feeding schedule out of the house by myself (I eventually mastered it). I actually learned a great deal about myself during those days. I am a social creature! I crave connection – and not just to my children. I love women. I need women in my life. I sometimes wish I could live with other women. I often joke with my friends that what we need is female communal living – a big giant house with the kids where we all love, communicate and support one another (and cook and babysit) – and then we can “date” our husbands on an “as needed” basis. It’s not that I don’t love my husband or think he is a tremendous father. It’s just that there is a kind of support and connection that other women provide me that no man has ever been able to give – not even my gay male friends!

The media loves to promote the mommy wars - one-sided stories about supermoms having it all, or working mothers vs. stay-at-home moms – but in the end, I think we all need each other. I know that I do! Maybe more than we let on to each other. I often wish I had yelled out the window to those two new moms. Hey, I am here - see me, please! Help me please! Bring me a double shot, low-fat latte - and a blueberry scone!


Angela DeRossett said...

I love this post... I agree we all need each other. If you set the commune up let me know..I'll join! :)

amers said...

i LOVED this post. and count me in as a charter member of the commune. the hardest part of my relocation is losing my girlfriends. thank goodness i have the cyber friends - who have been around for a really really long time!

ps if you're up late tonight, i will be too...

Catherine said...

A & A - you are here by invited to live with us in the commune. I am a night person, so if one of you would take the morning shift, I'll be glad to do the late routine. LOL! Thanks for stopping by. C

Jennifer said...

*raising my hand* Can I come, too?! I'll take that night shift with C.

C, I have the sweetest image in my mind of you leaning out the window saying, "I'm here, too!". It makes me all teary, actually. I so wish we (all) lived that way.

huddtoo said...

Ooh, I wanna come too! ;)

Great post. And since I feel I'm part of a group of friends that's mostly on the internet, I can relate. I do have friends IRL, but I really don't have a "Best" girl friend. I wish I did, one that is always there. I have work friends, neighbor friends, friends thru my hubby. But, not one I call often, go do girly stuff with now and then, etc. Sad really. So, I tend to come to my group of online friends for things. And I'm very thankful for those friends...I wish I saw them IRL more often!


Hawaiianatheart said...

How, oh how, did I miss this post? I kid you not, Google just showed me this and a couple of others as new. Weird!

I can so picture this and wish I could have lent a shoulder or ear or both. I can only imagine what twins are like. Closest I came was 10 months apart and that was hard enough. But 2, especially in those early months, then teething months..... {{{HUGS}}}.

Let me know when the commune opens. I too will be there to help you cover the night shift my friend!